Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Important to read

 Dear Guest,


1.      Central Travel Desk (CTD) of Adani Group is persistently trying to ensure best of travel and hospitality experience for Adani Group guest during their business trip.




2.      Cost efficiency is another important facet of the effort and initiatives .  During in-depth analysis , it was found that , guests can contribute immensely to cost efficiency by adhering to Adani Group travel policy published in May 2019  ,  highlighted as under :


“ Air Travel needs to be planned in advance and tickets must be issued minimum 7 days prior to departure date. Any deviation to the stated policy needs to follow approval matrix as stated below:


·         Between 4-7 days :–  HOD (Not below level of GM )

·         Less than 3 days     :–  CEO /Group Service Head /BU Head


3.      We encourage you to plan your travel in advance in accordance with the Group level travel policy and contribute towards  potential savings by avoiding higher ticket cost due to last minute travel plan.


PS :  For ease of reference , the link for the policy in Adani portal is   ( copy and paste the link on browser , if it is not opening normally)



Best Regards


Lt Col Paramesh Sarma Retd

GM -Corporate Service - Admin  | Adani Enterprise Ltd |

Adani House , Ground Floor, North Wing, Adani Shantigram , Nr Vaishnodevi Circle,

Ahmedabad 382 421

Gujarat (India)


Off +91 79 2555 9436 |

Saturday, June 8, 2019

INDIA's one of the most expensive AC-Panasonic Inverter AC Review- Real Experience

I have purchased an Inverter Split AC of PANASONIC Company from known S A AIR CONDITIONING of Ahmedabad on 8 APR 2015. It’s been  4 years. My overall experience was not good.  When I went to purchase Split AC I was told lots of good things about PANASONIC COMPANY and the inverter AC model. Below is my experience:

- In the third year I have to call SA AIRCONDITIONG for water jet wash. For  which I have to pay them Rs.1500/- . Also, they were forcing me to  go for a higher cleaning service which can cost me around Rs.3200/- which I denied.
- From the first year itself an outdoor unit started giving very high noise. You can hear it in your room at night.

- In the starting of 4th year cooling has gone down. I asked a local guy  to find out what the problem is, he said  GAS leaked so I asked him to refill it . He repaired the leakage refilled GAS .

- Again after one month Cooling went down again . So I called a local guy again and after the inspection  he gave me report  that coil got corroded and you need to replace it so I called to PANASONIC Service center. A serviceman came  and told same problem. The cost of COIL Is Rs.11000-13000 Plus Rs.3000/---of refilling GAS so , it will be Rs.16000/- plus tax.

So for PANASONIC AC ; Be ready to pay  Rs.44000 (AC COST) + 1500 (washing)+4500 GAS REFILLING + 16000 (Coil replacement)=Rs,67000/- in 4 years.

So , if you are thinking of buying PANASONIC ACBe ready to PAY per year Rs.16750/---, So it's one of the most expensive AC OF INDIA

Sunday, April 15, 2018

India’s one of the most expensive TV. - After sales review

Update: 31/03/2019
AgainI have the same problem and its not even 1 year completed after replacing the panel. Looks like substandard quality parts. Very disappointed with BRAND SONY 

Sent Email to customer service. will keep you posted.

India’s one of the most expensive TV. - After sales review
(Update : 21/04/2018   1:25 PM)

Service Center Head came personally and solved my problem, They have delivered my TV with new panel and its working perfectly now. they only took delivery and service charge of Rs.2006/-

Thank you  for such a quick reply and prompt action.
I have bought  Sony Bravia W95D Android TV in  November 2016 with hope that I can enjoy  and watch  entertainment programs with family  with high quality picture  and  durability .
Just in 1.5 years of duration suddenly, it stopped working and it has vertical bands and NO SOUND. 

I also have sharp Tv which is working very fine from last 4 years without any issues.(and they gave 3 years warranty.)

Sony India gives you 1 year warranty.  So , It can be a problem after 1 year (while Sharp TV has given 3 years warranty). So in reality you are paying more than double amount compare to other brands for only 1 year. In reality I have paid Rs.1,10,000 for only 1.5 years. you are lucky , if it works out better than me... so Its luck not product quality.

So, if you are rich enough and can pay Rs. 1, 10,000 for 1 year than go for SONY TV
My Suggestion is NEVER BUY SONY TV

I have called service center my sony dealer and waiting for their call but I have searched  on internet and its problem of  t com board or LED panel,  if its LED panel than I can cost around 45000/---, which not worth after such bad experience.

So only option for me is to scrap 1.5 year old SONY BRAVIA ANDROID TV.

I will invite all of you if I will decide to SCRAP SONY TV. So all can be aware of such  fake product.

You can contact me for more details, I have bill and all other documents of  SONY TV.

Amish Vyas

#sony tv reviews 2016,
#latest sony tv models with price
#sony tv reviews 2017
#sony bravia xe80 review
#sony bravia problems
#sony bravia tv
#sony 2017 tv models
#sony 2017 tv release date

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LG Motion 4G- Review

LG Motion 4G- Review
What is good about it : The Latest  LG Motion 4G   is cost effective and most important is  prepaid . Comes with Android  4.0 and  powerful dual core processor.
What is not good  about it (bad ?): LG motion comes with bundle  of bloat ware, sound quality is average.
At last:  Its is very good phone for people who don’t want to spend more on phone but still want to have smartphone with all basic features , It’s also a contract free. So it’s very good phone within budget.  
 This phone has lot many features which can attract common user of Smartphone,  it has  1.2 GHz duel core CPU and Android 4.0 with 5.0 megapixel camera coupled with 1080P HD recording capabilities.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Very attractive HTC Desire - available in September in Europe – Asia Specific

IFA 2012 , HTC displayed  excellence of  HTC desire X Smartphone. This  Phone has lower end  version of  qualcommsnapdragons5 processor which clearly show , it is very lower level smartphone for techies who are looking for  basics. The rest is with 4- inch small touch screen and high end 5 mega pixel camera with 4GB Memory and audio integration as well.  For people  who wants more storage,  they also have 25 GB of clould storage with dropbox. This is very good version of affordable phone with all required basic capacilities. This phone runs onAndroid4.0,  Probably  Phone is coming in September.

Main Features :
  • 4 inch touch screen
  • Android 4.0
  • 5 Mega pixel camera
  •  4 GB Memory
  •  25 GB cloud storage with drop box

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Techniques to be successful-2 (Forgiveness)

Techniques to be successful -2


Mahatma Gandhi said: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of..." and “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

You can not get away from the feelings you have for yourself as well as for others. When you are angry or having feelings of hate to one some, the first one get affected is you. Your mind and body has heavy negative effect of this feelings and you are totally involved in such a never ending situation where, you will loose every thing you have.

Forgiveness is best remedy , you can get away from this tight negative bond and can get free. Never think that by hating some one, you will have any benefit. You can’t harm any one… you can harm only yourself.

What is forgiveness ?

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward.

Here are some benefits of forgiveness :

What are the benefits of forgiving someone?

Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. Forgiveness can lead to:

  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse

Something from Bible :

Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (NIV)

Luke 6:37
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven

Matthew 6:14-16
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (NIV)

Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. (NIV)

Finally from our strongest lady prime minister

“My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.”

Indira Gandhi quotes (Indian Politician and Prime Minister. 1917-1984)

So , I am starting with my self, ,, I am forgiving all who have done injustice to me and to all who are close to me,, I think , this can help me to push me more closer to divine energy of god and help me to mercy of God. I just called one of my old friend ( we were avoiding talking to each other from last 15 years due to some feelings of anger to each other) and told him , that I have forgive you..and I am sorry , if I hurt you" I think , I got my friend back after 15 years.

Try is today and I think , you will have your good friends and family back to you.