Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How you can win

What is power ?

Power is very much relates to your deeds and it generates from it. you cant win over your deeds. Always think before you act which can affect someone else life.

Normal, conflict generate from the desire of getting luxury life at the cost of poor and loyal people who are working for you. but indirectly you are generating KARMA towards them. actually you have to be thankful to those you who are working for you and making you money. You are not OWNER of them but you are simply working BOSS.(few hours). feelings of ownership can create lots of problems.

You will only feel the effect of loss when you will lose somthing from you life. one thing is very much sure ,Nothing is permanent.

“Each person is owner of his deeds, heir to his deeds, his deeds are the womb from which he is born, his deeds are his kin for whom he is responsible, his deeds are his refuge; he is heir to his deeds, be they good or bad.”

From the Anguttara Nikaya, 5:161 (spoken by the Buddha)

You can run from people but you can not run from you deeds. Never harass people who are not capable to harass you because your deed make them more stronger and one day they will become and like you only. and that will be the most dangerous situation for you .

So , even business point of view, you will lose in end.

Do better things and get better fruits. Forgive and prove yourself greater then others.

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